Book Faaaiirrrr

Yesterday i went to the book fair at PWTC. I was enjoy it eventhough it was too crowded inside there. I bought many book especially Revision Book. Duhh, PMR dude. Ofcourse. pffftttt --' Aaanndd, i also bought comic books instead of novels that i usually buy every year except for this year. Aku beli banyak kooott, like thirteen! And aku rase aku and adek aku jee yang paling kibot dalam tuh. HAHA' yela sesak kot. Dah laa booth nye kecik, kelakar gile :D 

And there's something incident happen, which is many salesgirl don't believe that i'm fifteen. They thought i'm younger than my age, i guess so. Pity me. Kecik sangat ke aku :'( they all like say 'kecik nyee, pendek nyee' tahu laa aku pendek, tapi jangan laa hina sangat ==' 

Tadi dekat dalam kelas tambahan pun aku rase macam boooddohhh gilee. Cause i can't answer the question. Sumpah fedup, aku tak tahu kenapa. I was like blaming myself 'tu laa tak blaja lagi. kan dah tak boleh jawab' bukan dekat kawan laa tapi dalam hati. It's okay! You guys has 'wake me up from honeymoon' to make a mission for this year. thanks :)

1) study hard anis! don't play play, this year you
have an exam to sit that is PMR!
2) focus and give an attention to the class, no more
sleep sleep!*die nie cepat sangat mengantok nyee
3) no more skipping class! like i always say to amy 
'bile nak gune ayat tuh?' well amy! i'll try my best kay?
4) always do revision at home, buku dah beli kan? BUAT!
5) kuruskan badan! haha yang nie second penting!
jelaous woo tengok perempuan yang badan kurus kurus nih.
6) nak berat badan under 40!
tu je la kott, nanti kalau ade lagi aku tambah laa. hoho =

*can i have all those things in my handbag too?
especially the BB :)