Peperiksaan Pertengahan Tahun

as u guys know, semua school ade middle exam kan? same goes to my school. that's why aku lame MIA. hee :D but, exam tuh ..... susaaaaaaaahhhhhhh! mane tak nye, tak bape nak fokus sangat. aaahhh, aku benci gile bile prob nie jadi time time nak exam plak tu. haisyooo. aku gerenti, math and science aku mesti C or D.aku dah la tak paham math. memang fail laa jawabnye. hmmpphh! alaaaaaaaa :( WHY WHY WHY! mesti phone aku kene tarek. papa aku dah warning awal-awal, kalau result merosor. bye bye to phone. hmm tapi aku boleh je kot live without phone. yelaa, aku kan dah single. haha. talk about my status. akhirnyee! single jugak aku, dah lame aku tunggu status nie. yelaa, asik coup jee. bosan aku. so, i'm gonna appreciate and use this 'single period' preferably :)) aku tak nak dah laa coup dengan sebarangan orang ni. tak mau dah saket saket hati ni, better pasang scandal ramai-ramai kan? HAHA'